Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Improving Air quality in the Office

All that office happiness got us thinking about simple ways to improve our work environment. One very simple and yet extremely effective recommendation is to add plants to our working (and living) space.

We all know that plants are good for the environment, but we didn’t realize that NASA (Associated Landscape Contractors of America) did a intensive study proving that plants kill toxins by removing pollutants from our air. NASA recommends one plant per 100sf., that is an average of 15-20 plants per household.

There are several other studies on this subject that outline how much happier an employee is at a “greened” office space compared to an employee working in a less “green” space. According to research having plants in your office will improve the quality of the air, which makes it a more pleasant place to work in, which in return will make you feel happier, therefore making you preform better. 

office, happiness, feng shui, plants, air purity, tips for decor,
Sansevieria plant, great air purifier. 
Here are 3 plants that are easy to maintain and highly recommended as air purifiers:

Sansevieria “These are the number-one filters of air,” Lebens says, “and you can grow them entirely under the fluorescent lights in your office.” (A Happiness Secret: A greened up Office)

Area Palm  Very popular. It may even get you thinking about a pleasant memory, again increasing your happiness. Its easy to maintain and tolerant to low light. A smaller version, perfect for the desk is the Neanthe Bella Palm.

Bamboo Palm Considered to be lucky. Tolerate low light. Perfect for the desk as it is small. Comes in variously different decorated pots. Very easy to maintain.

Follow K International Woodworking on Facebook for more project ideas and inspiration. 

A Happiness Secret: A greened up Office:

MASA Study House Plants clear Air.

Plants Clean Air inside our Homes:

Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle: Plants as Air Cleaners: 

Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect, and Happiness
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